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  WISP-2: 2007—2008


Terry Gibbons

Jody Calabro

Grade 6-8

Grade 6-8

Mildred Ave Middle School, Boston

Cleveland Middle School, Boston

Bio/E-S/Physical Science

Middle School Science



Bob Sheehan

Loida Mora

Grade 7

Grade 5

Mildred Ave Middle School, Boston

Sarah Greenwood K-8 School, Boston

Middle School Science

Science and Math



Brian Vitarisi

Chardas Freeman

Grade 5

Grade 6-8

Sarah Greenwood K-8 School, Boston

Sarah Greenwood K-8 School, Boston




Karen Scholz

Paul Moses

Grade 6

Grade 8

Sarah Greenwood K-8 School, Boston

Dedham Middle School, Dedham


Earth Science


Chris Carucci

Marie-Laure Brown

Grade 8

Grade 5

Dedham Middle School, Dedham

Tucker Elementary School, Milton

Earth Science

French, Science



Starleen Baylon

Jeffrey Stoodt

Grade 5

Grade 6

Tucker Elementary School, Milton

Pierce Middle School, Milton


Physical Science